Zodiakus ~ Zodiaque ~ Zodiac
Composed in 2009 by commission of KUNSTFACTOR
The zodiac is a wide celestial zone. Seen from the earth, the sun, the moon and the eight planets are always located in this zone. In astrology it is assumed that everything is inextricably connected. This old science – in which the position of the planets is thought to determine human qualities – presupposes that the planets have an effect on matters like happiness, love, health and career.
I used four of the twelve signs of the zodiac as a source of inspiration for this work. As a starting point, I chose several psychological characteristics commonly associated with each sign.
1. Taurus: quiet, contemplative, persistent, strong-minded and enjoying the good things in life
2. Scorpio: passionate, single-minded, observant and sometimes not so easy to deal with
3. Aquarius: independent, unruly, extreme and imaginative
4. Leo: optimistic, imposing, self-confident, self-assured and uncompromising